WHEN: Saturday, May 6th, 2023 from 10:00 to approximately 11:30 AM. WHERE: Ed Landreth Auditorium at TCU NOTE: The numbers of dancers in each routine will be limited, and separated by school and/or dance instructor. FEES: There is a charge of $140.00 for this recital. This covers two recital costumes and the recital venue fee.

WHEN: Class Days & Times During May 2023. WHERE: Held right at your little star's school. NOTE: This option is either in person or via Zoom (school dependent) on your dancer's regularly scheduled dance day/time. If the recital is held via Zoom, parents can watch online, rather than in person, JUST LIKE the one we normally do at school :)!!! We will even be recording the Zoom event and will send you a FREE digital download :)!!! FEES: No recital fee, costumes are optional :).

Studio Recital
Sold Out!
A new 2025 Studio Recital Location! One that is centralized for all of our schools!
P.S. :)... Please note that if you sign up for the Studio Recital you do not also have to sign up for the Center Recital. The costumes used for the Studio Recital are the same as any purchased for the Center Recital.
So if you sign up for the Studio Recital you are automatically enrolled in the Center Recital :).
Call Us Now! 817-614-0453